Main Organizers

New Uzbekistan University

And the people who are spending their time fully, making all things possible and real

Sun-kissed summers and frosted winters bloom under their tireless touch. Three whispered names, Fahriddin Hayitov, Fyodor Amanov, and Nargis Kholmamatova, orchestrate non-profit symphonies of knowledge. Logic dances with lyrics, bridges built with smiles, late nights a tapestry woven with dreams. Beyond schedules, beyond budgets, they spark futures brighter than fireflies, leaving legacies echoing long after the snow melts and the sun fades. In the halls of New Uzbekistan University, these heroes redefine amazing, one student, one workshop, one sleepless night at a time

Task devision

Head of Media&IT and Student Engagement
Head of Research and Admissions
Head of Academic Affairs and Technology development