Meet the mentors

of Hogwarts Research

Head of Mentors

Fyodor Amanov

Zulfiya Usmonova

Junior student of the Software Engineering Department at New Uzbekistan University

General Secretary of Student Council of New Uzbekistan University 
Digital and traditional art
Sports: swimming and volleyball
Winner of Raqamli Avlod camp 
“The best start-up idea” nomination
Young Leaders Development Project finalist
TechnovationGirls 2020/20218 and 2023 mentor
Ex-Education Minister of Student Council of New Uzbekistan University (2022-2023)
Seeds for the Future 2023 winner
Startup Weekend Women Edition winner
UniSat 2.0 finalist 
Huge volunteering experience in different events

She was one of the main mentors of the Summer School

Akmaljon Latifov

Junior student of the Software Engineering Department at New Uzbekistan University

Leader of XFire StartUp
Built IoT fire detection system
Leader of Open Microphone club at Newuu
Presented scientific paper at international conferences
Volunteered at Google I/O Extended
Conducted open IT lessons in specialized schools
Developed some telegram bots


Junior student of the Software Engineering Department at New Uzbekistan University

Mobile Photographing 
Video Editing 
Event Volunteering 
Her Social Projects:
Ambassador and video editor of WomenTechmakers Tashkent
Pinterest portfolio
Google Developer Students Club Newuu core team member 
Public Speaking contest participant

 Sarvinoz was Mentor In Hogwarts

Dilshodbek Muxtorov

Sophomore student of the Software Engineering Department at New Uzbekistan University

Junior Web-Backend developer
The Guitarist in Tempo Titans
SMM manager (mobilograph)
The guitarist in the Tempo titans
The winner of the Volleyball Rector’s Cup at UWED
The finalist of the Volleyball Union games at NewUU
Volunteered Google I/O Extend and a lot of events


Abdusattorova Charos

Junior student of the Software Engineering Department at New Uzbekistan University

Start Up Club Leader of New Uzbekistan University 
Winner of Raqamli avlod camp 
“The best start up idea” nomination
Winner of “Young inventors” at Karshi GTL
Winner of MMA championship
Winner of the Intellectual contest provided by Youth Union
Winner of Startup Weekend Women Edition
Leader of Initiatives and Projects
Event organizer at Newish community 
Volunteer at many events
Member of “Start Uppers community” 
She will be mentor for Summer School Projects

Akmaljon Latifov

Junior student of the Software Engineering Department at New Uzbekistan University

Leader of XFire StartUp
Built IoT fire detection system
Leader of Open Microphone club at Newuu
Presented scientific paper at international conferences
Volunteered at Google I/O Extended
Conducted open IT lessons in specialized schools
Developed some telegram bots

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.